
Use in the field

Using your sleeping bag in the bush

“Good people are good people because they’ve come to wisdom through failure.” William Saroyan

Insulation in sleeping bags works best when it is all ‘fluffed up’ and fully expanded. Once your shelter is set up, unpack your sleeping bag and give it a few shakes to get the expanding started.

Sleeping bags work best and last longest when kept clean and dry, so in the field, try to minimise the amount of dirt, sweat and dust that gets onto the bag [note]Hawks, Leona K., “Care of Down and Synthetic Sleeping Bags” (1990). All Archived Publications. Paper 210 URL = https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1209&context=extension_histall[/note]. Air your bag out after each use (in the morning over breakfast before packing up is best) – avoid direct contact with UV light for extended periods of time, but an hour of sunlight can help kill smell causing bacterial and fungal growth[note]Amichai B, Et.Al.,“The efficacy of sun exposure for reducing fungal contamination in used clothes.” (2014). Isr Med Assoc J. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25167689[/note].

Treat your sleeping bag gently! Bags that are well cared for will stay warm for longer [note]Hawks, Leona K., “Care of Down and Synthetic Sleeping Bags” (1990). All Archived Publications. Paper 210 URL = https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1209&context=extension_histall[/note]. Do not use a good sleeping bag near the fire. All it takes is a single glowing ember from the fire to create a hole and damage the bag. Not to mention all the dirt, dusk and smokey smell that the bag will pick up. If you like having something to wrap around you at the fire, consider a lightweight fireproof thermal shawl or throw over instead.

A sleeping bag liner is a very worthwhile investment. Not only does it keep your sleeping bag clean and dry, but it provides extra warmth. Avoid sleeping in your bushwalking clothes overnight. Instead, change into nighttime camp clothes. This reduces body odour transferring to the sleeping bag and minimises the amount of oils or body sweat.

A few extra tips

  • Give your bag a chance to fluff up especially on colder nights.
  • If you are too hot in the bag, try un zipping it part way, take your head out of the hood or shake the bag to force out the warmer air.
  • Try to minimise the amount of direct contact that your sleeping bag has with the ground. Use a ground-sheet if sleeping in the open, to protect sleeping pad and bag.
  • When airing out your sleeping bag, hang it high off the ground, to reduce the chance of the bag getting dirty.
  • Never force any zippers or buckles if they get stuck. Instead, be gentle and slowly undo any caught fabric.
  • If using a sleeping bag without a hood, wear a hat or hoodie to keep warm and reduce the mozzies (if the shelter does not have a flyscreen).
  • Wear clean clothes and be clean when getting into your sleeping bag.

Tips and tricks if you are feeling cold in your sleeping bag
If you are feeling cold then here are some tips to help

  • Fully zip up your bag and use the hood.
  • Ensure your insulation in your bag is inflated and evenly spread over the top of you.
  • If rolling around, try to keep the bag from moving.
  • Reduces air flow around the bag – block any drafts.
  • Especially if you feel cold between you and ground than improve the insulation of your pad. Add clothing (or even your pack) between you sleeping pad and ground.
  • Use a sleeping bag liner as this can increase temperature by up to 5 ℃.
  • Wear a beanie to keep the head warm and loose fitting layer of warm clothes.
  • Place your head inside your sleeping bag and breath inside the bag for about half a minute to warm up the air. Be mindful that your breath is also humid, so avoid doing this for long stretches as condensation inside your sleeping bag can be counterproductive.
  • In an emergency scenario, you can use a foil wrap from your first aid kit for warmth. Be mindful again for condensation and water collecting on the foil and wetting your bag.

Sleeping with or without clothes on
There’s a lot of debate around whether or not wearing additional layers of clothing adds more warmth to the sleep system or detracts, with strong advocates on both sides and surprisingly little research on the topic.

A blogger called ‘onlinecaveman’ frustrated by the lack of information carried out his own DIY experiment to test the difference between heat loss wearing a layer of clothing versus not wearing a layer of clothing. He found that the system that used a layer of clothing lost less heat than the one with no clothing.

The main purpose of a sleeping bag is to create a layer of warm air around the body by trapping body heat, so any additional layers may enhance this effect. Sleep systems work best when the insulation is allowed to do its job, that is, the insulation isn’t overly compressed (i.e. too many clothes).

It seems the layering effect that we use with clothes during the day also works in the sleeping bag, however, avoid tight-fitting clothes (these can restrict circulation), and ensure extra layers are clean and dry. Also stay away from clothes with zippers or other hard or patterned sections that may cause pressure sores.

Care & Maintenance

Looking after your sleeping bag

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.” Author unknown

Sleeping bags can be used for several years before they need a wash. Washing tends to add wear and tear to the bag and reduces the loft (i.e. insulation), so if you can delay the need for washing by caring for the bag, this is the best long-term option.

Check your bag over regularly to make sure that all the zippers are working and the seams are intact. Check that the insulation is evenly distributed as over time the insulation can clump unevenly (suggesting that a wash might be in order).

Carry out small spot-cleaning jobs on areas such as the hood that are likely to accumulate sweat and dirt. Mix a little water with non-detergent soap to create a paste. Hold the shell away from the filling and use a toothbrush to clean and rinse the shell. By keeping the shell away from the filling you can clean the area without getting the inside wet.

When you do decide to wash it, do it as per manufacturer’s instructions.

Hawks, Leona K., “Care of Down and Synthetic Sleeping Bags” (1990) provides this table as a guideline:

Type of sleeping bagHand washMachine washDry clean
DownBest method - wash using soap and water softener

Don't use detergent - it will strip natural oils from feathers

Machine dry on low heat or no heat. Heat can burn off the natural oils
Use only if recommended by manufacturer

Wash with soap and water

Don't use detergent - it will strip natural oils

Machine dry on low heat or no heat. Heat can burn off the natural oils
Not recommended

Dry cleaning chemicals residue toxic when inhaled

Attacks down's natural oils
SyntheticGentlest method
Use detergent or soap and water softener

Washing or drying should not be above 60° Celsius
Fastest and easiest method
Use detergent or soap and water softener

Washing or drying should not be above 60° Celsius
Not recommended

Dry cleaning chemicals dissolve resin and silicone finishes used to stabilise fibers

Fibers lose crimp above 60° Celsius

In general, the process for washing a sleeping bag looks like this (but check and follow specific manufacturer’s instructions):

  1. Washing: Do up all zippers before washing to protect them.
    1. Hand washing: Fill up a large bucket or bathtub with warm water. Add a small amount of non-detergent soap. Gently massage material and leave to soak (but no more than 1 hour). Gently squeeze bag to remove any water and empty the water. Refill with clean water, massage the material to remove suds, and let the bag sit for 15 minutes. Repeat until all suds are gone.
    2. Machine wash: Many sleeping bags can be machine washed in a front-loader or a top-loader without an agitator. Add a small amount of appropriate soap (do not over-soap to ensure no suds are leftover). Consider adding a few additional wet garments to balance out the spin of the machine (e.g. t-shirts). Consider running the cycle a second time soap-free to remove all soap residue).
  2. Transferring: Take care when handling your wet sleeping bag so as not to damage the fabric. When the down is wet and heavy, it is particularly vulnerable to stretching and tearing. Take time to squeeze out as much water as possible from the bag as possible, and lift the bag from below to support the material.
  3. Drying:
    1. Dryer: Once most of the water is out of your bag place it in the dryer and use a low heat to ensure that synthetic materials do not melt. As the bag dries, the insulation tends to clump together. This can be avoided by placing objects (tennis balls or other soft but firm objects) into the dryer during the final stages of drying to displace the clumps. Once dry, air the bag out overnight to make sure there is no residual moisture before storing.
    2. Air drying: Place the bag on a clean surface outside in partial shade as UV rays can degrade synthetic materials. As the bag dries, the insulation tends to clump together, so check the bag periodically and manually break up the clumps.
  4. CAUTION: What not to do!

    • Never dry-clean your bag. The chemicals used in the dry-cleaning process can damage the bag fabric.
    • Avoid using fabric softeners or bleaching chemicals on your bag. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for what soap to use (usually a non-detergent soap).

    Other maintenance jobs:

    • Rips to fabric: If the outer layer of fabric is damaged, consider doing a small repair job by hand if it occurs in the field to prevent loss of insulation, then back home, remove stitching and do a more thorough job using gear-repair tape.
    • Leaking down feathers: Over time, a few down feathers may work their way through the outer shell fabric and poke out. Work the feathers back into the insulation layer by gently massaging the surface and pushing the feather back in.
    • Waterproofing: Some sleeping bags have a water-resistant outer layer which helps protects the bag from water damage and dirt, but eventually wears off. Consider reapplying the durable water repellent using a suitable product (check with your manufacturer).

    Store your sleeping bag in a cool dry area away from direct sunlight. The bag is best stored fluffed up. Many sleeping bags come with a large breathable storage bag us this otherwise a cloth bag like a pillow case of larger is ideal.


Choosing your sleeping bag

“The very definition of beauty is outside.” Adam Carolla

When selecting a sleeping bag, the temperature rating, shape, insulation type and additional features such as hoods and zippers are key considerations as well as the price.

Another option for ultra lightweight bushwalkers is the overquilt or integrated sleeping bag/mat system – more details below.

Temperature Rating Selecting the appropriate sleeping bag temperature range

Sleeping bags come with a temperature rating that is a guideline for what conditions the bag is most suitable for. However, everyone is different, and some people feel the hot/cold more than others, so be prepared to adjust accordingly to find something that best suits your needs.

The temperature rating is a guideline for what temperatures the manufacturers suggest that the bag can be used in. Manufacturers generally do in-house evaluations to find the ‘R-value’ that represents the insulative properties of the bag. Some manufacturer’s use the EN 13537, which is an European standard that aims to standardize sleeping bags manufactured and sold in Europe. No such standard exists in Australia, but many sleeping bags sold in Australia do follow this EN rating system.

The EN 13537 standard rating system tests sleeping bags using a manikin. The manikin is dressed up in a layer of thermal underwear and is resting upon a sleeping pad. The testers record heat loss by the manikin to determine the extreme and comfort limits of the bag. There is a surprising amount of detail that goes into ensuring accurate thermal measurements, everything from arm positions, through to weight of the manikin [note]Kuklane, Kalev, and Valter Dejke. “Testing sleeping bags according to EN 13537: 2002: details that make the difference.” International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 16.2 (2010): 199-216[/note].

Sleeping bags often visually depict their thermal limits. Examples include Columbus, Mont and Sea to Summit:



Sea to Summit

The three measurements listed as part of the rating are [note]European Committee for Standardization (CEN). Requirements for sleeping bags (Standard No. EN 13537:2002). Brussells, Belgium: CEN; 2002[/note]:

  1. Comfort rating: Defined as the lowest temperature that a standard woman can get a comfortable night’s sleep.
  2. Lower limit temperature: Defined as the lowest temperature that a standard man can still sleep throughout the night in a curled position.
  3. Extreme limit temperature: Defined as the lowest temperature that a standard woman can still survive for 6 hours without risk of death (but with a risk of hypothermia and frostbite). This is intended to be an extreme scenario where you can survive but probably will not sleep.

Sometimes a fourth temperature rating is also given – maximum temperature – that is, the hottest conditions that the bag can be used in.

Men can generally get a comfortable night’s sleep at lower temperatures than women, so the comfort rating is based on a more conservative rating for women (unless explicitly stated as ‘men’s comfort’ or ‘women’s comfort’).

For the thermal testing process, a standard man is defined as 25 years of age, weighing 73kg and at a height of 173cm. A standard women is defined as: 25 years of age, 60kg, 160cm [note]European Committee for Standardization (CEN). Requirements for sleeping bags (Standard No. EN 13537:2002). Brussells, Belgium: CEN; 2002[/note]. However, none of us are standard! Temperature is a very personal thing, and it’s important to take into account personal factors that might affect how warm or cool you sleep.

Sleeping bag rating and general fitness level can affect how warm you sleep in general, but more subtle changes such as how tired you are at the end of the day or whether or not you’ve eaten well on a trip (going to bed hungry may leave you colder than if you’ve eaten well as your metabolism is a significant source of heat production overnight) can change your sleep patterns also.

Bushwalkers that walk in NSW all year round tend to have two sleeping bags: a summer bag and a winter bag – although this will vary greatly depending on the location of the walk and the forecast. This gives them the option to use the one that is most appropriate for the conditions.

Sleeping bagApproximate monthsComments
SummerOctober-MarchOn cooler summer days, or autumn/spring period, consider carrying additional layers.
WinterApril - SeptemberOn hotter winter days, use a liner only and put your sleeping bag on top of you as a throw over (rather than wrapped tightly).

A good rule of thumb is to select a bag with a comfort rating that is 10 degrees below the ambient temperature you expect on the trip.


  • Weather patterns can bring unpredictable cold spells, so it’s important to check weather conditions relative to where you plan to walk before decided on the appropriate sleeping bag. If unsure, take a warmer sleeping bag and additional warm layers.
  • At altitude (e.g. Snowy Mountains), conditions are cooler and can change rapidly. Remnant snow patches from winter time can still be seen on Mt Kosciuszko during summer months, and cold windy weather patterns can persist. Take into account these highly variable and cold temperatures when selecting a suitable sleeping bag for an alpine trip.

A last word of warning: cheaper bags may not have undergone laboratory testing, and ratings may not be accurate.

Shape Selecting the appropriate sleeping bag shape

Similar to sleeping bag liners, sleeping bags come in a few different shapes.

RectangularSummer example

Black Wolf Jardine Hodded Sleeping Bag

Winter example

Shamocamel® Sleeping Bag Envelope / Rectangular Bag -5-15°C Keep Warm Ultra Light (UL) 220 Camping Outdoor Shamocamel® Single

- Cheap
- Lots of room to move around
- Works best in warmer conditions because of loose material
- Generally heavier and bulkier because of additional material so less suited for overnight bushwalking
Semi-rectangular (or barrel-shaped)Summer example

Sea To Summit Tk I Sleeping Bag

Winter example

Sea To Summit Tk II Sleeping Bag

- This type of bag is inbetween a rectangular and mummy, so it is still quite roomy while at the same time having less air pockets to heat so is a good insulator.
- Comfortable, lots of room for shoulders and hips.
MummySummer example

Sea To Summit Micro MCII Sleeping Bag UD

Winter example

Sea To Summit Talus TsI

- Warm, body-hugging
- Very effective at insulating
- Lightweight and small volume due to less material
- Tight
- Some people find them very restrictive and uncomfortable to sleep in
- Generally pricey

Sierra Designs Backcountry Bed Duo 600 Sleeping Bag

n/a- Efficient option for couples- You probably need another single sleeping bag for trips without your partner

length Selecting the appropriate sleeping bag length

Regular and long
Sleeping bags generally come in two lengths: regular and long. It’s worth getting the right length as a bag that’s too short will leave you cold at the shoulders and neck, whereas a bag that is too big will leave your feet cold.
Check the specifications to decide on the right size by matching your height to the bag length.

Some manufacturer’s sell female bags that are designed to fit women better than the standard mummy or barrel shapes due to their shorter length, narrower shoulders and broader hips.

For ultra lightweight camping, half-bags are coming back into fashion (e.g. Hispar Half Bag). The logic is that the user already has enough clothing to keep their upper half warm (down jacket, thermals), so the sleeping bag only needs to be long enough to cover legs.

Hispar Half Bag

Kids sleeping bags
For people with petite build, it may be suitable to use a children’s sized sleeping bag (e.g. Coleman Kid’s Firefly Sleeping Bag). However, take care to examine temperature ratings and bag weights carefully as materials used in children’s sleeping bags are generally lower quality (and hence heavier and less insulating).

insulation Selecting the appropriate sleeping bag insulation

The insulation in a sleeping bag traps the heat your body produces while you sleep and keeps you warm.

Synthetic material and down feathers are the two main types of insulation used. For down insulation, duck or goose down (or a mix) are most common, although pure duck down is most abundant because more ducks than geese are manufactured and sold as meat, and so duck feathers are cheaper and more plentiful.


Sea to Summit Voyager Sleeping Bag – Vy3

  • Dries quickly

  • Can insulate when wet

  • Cheaper than down

  • Non-allergenic
  • Generally larger volume and heavier

  • Not as good at insulating (per weight) as down


Sea to Summit Trek Sleeping Bag – TKI

  • Very effective insulator

  • Packs to small volume

  • Lightweight

  • Loft retains form over a long time and hence is a long lasting insulator

  • Dries slowly

  • Cannot insulate when wet

  • Expensive

Hybrid synthetic-downThese hybrid bags contain a blend of synthetic and down feathers, with pros and cons from both materials. Sometimes they are blended, in others, they are layered with synthetic materials on the bottom and down feathers on top.These hybrid bags contain a blend of synthetic and down feathers, with pros and cons from both materials. Sometimes they are blended, in others, they are layered with synthetic materials on the bottom and down feathers on top.

Down feathers are generally treated to become somewhat water resistant to some moisture, but not effective if fully immersed or soaked (i.e. down is water resistant not waterproof).

Some companies are moving towards ethically sourcing down in response to a number of issues but in particular live plucking. A few companies such as North face have put in place policies to ethically sourced down insulation and responsible auditing of all manufacturing steps including production and collection of feathers to ensure humane treatment of animals. Price alone does not tell you if the material is ethically sourced or the workers treated well.

Fill power
The fill power describes the insulation properties of the bag, or the down’s ability to loft (i.e. trap heat). It is a measure of how much air the insulating down can trap (i.e. its ‘fluffiness’), and generally speaking the higher the fill power, the more insulated the bag is. The fill power is a factor of how many cubic inches the insulation takes for each ounce. 300 is a low end feather an 900 a high end down.

Sleeping bags with a higher fill power rating are more fluffy and better insulators than lower fill power bags. For instance, the insulation in a 600 fill power sleeping bag is more fluffy and effective at trapping air than the insulation in a 400 fill power sleeping bag. Since high power insulation is a more effective insulator, manufacturers need to use less volume and thus can create lighter weight bags (including ultralight gear).

Fill power reduces over time as the bag ages and gets dirty. That’s why it pays to look after your sleeping bag to keep it as effective as possible!

Features Selecting additional sleeping bag features

At its most basic, a sleeping bag comprise of an outer layer, insulation and an inner lining, however, sleeping bags and stuff sacks do have a few additional features to consider which we’ll work through here.

Sleeping bag

  • Hood
    Hoods provide additional warmth and comfort and help retain insulation across the body. However, in warmer conditions, a hood may be overkill. Some sleeping bags come with a detachable hood (e.g. Black Wolf Zambezie King -5ºc Hood Removable Sleeping Bag) giving users the option to carry it in cooler conditions, or remove it for warmer trips. Some ultralight bags do not have a hood at all (e.g. Feathered Friends Vireo Sleeping Bag)

    Some hoods offer a pillow pocket where you can put your pillow securely inside. Others come with ‘clinch-able’ contour hood allowing users to wrap their head thoroughly (great for cold weather conditions) in the sleeping bag (or around your entire pillow also).

  • Zippers
    Most sleeping bags have one side with a zipper to provide easy access into and out of the bag. For some bags, you can specify which side you prefer the zipper on (perhaps you find it easier to exit on the left than the right): e.g. Sea To Summit Trek 2 TKII Down Sleeping Bag – Regular.

    For couples, it’s possible to zip up compatible bags to create a double bag. For rectangular sleeping bags, unzip the bags, lay them together with the insulation facing inwards and zip up corresponding zippers. See this video. For joining mummy-shaped sleeping bags, you must join a right hand zipper sleeping bag with a left hand zipper sleeping bag.

  • Pockets
    Some sleeping bag designs include pockets for valuables such as money, passports or phones. Internal pockets are preferable so that you can grab items without opening the bag and losing all the nice trapped warm air.
  • Straps
    Some sleeping bags have loops that can be used to connect the sleeping bag to sleeping pad. Also handy for hanging up sleeping bag to air.
  • Neck baffles
    Additional insulation around the neck area to prevent warm air escaping (usually only on bags designed for cool conditions).
  • Draft tube
    This is a thin insulated tube that surrounds the zipper area and prevents warm air escaping through the zip system.
  • Trapezoidal footbox
    This design adds additional space around the feet for more natural comfort during the night (particularly for those people that sleep on their back).

Stuff sack

  • Compression straps
    Compression straps make an enormous difference to reduce the pack volume of a sleeping bag. They work by compressing evenly around the stuff sack by drawing the straps downward and can reduce the volume by more than 50%.

Alternative Designs Overquilt and integrate sleeping pad

The sleeping bag, sleeping bag liner and sleeping pad system has been around for a long time with little change to the core principles: create warm space by insulating heat loss from body, particularly loss through the ground.

Recently, there have been a few new designs suggested for sleep systems that aim to optimise this setup, and ultimately save on weight.


An overquilt is a blanket style sleeping bag. It keeps users warm by covering the upper side of the sleeping, but not the underside (which gets compressed when you sleep on it and reduces insulation). Overquilts are often used by ultralight hikers or by hikers that use a hammock.

They are lightweight and versatile, enabling the user to adapt the bag to best suit conditions and some users report to use them exclusively over a sleeping bag. Take care when selecting an overquilt to match it to your needs, checking that there is enough insulation around the neck and head.

‘Integrated sleeping pad’, ‘pad sleeve’ or ‘hybrid sleeping bag/pads’
Another design is to integrate the sleeping pad into the sleeping bag system, creating one unit. The idea again here is to save on the weight and material of the underside of the sleeping bag that gets compressed and insulates poorly. Since the sleeping pad is doing most of the insulating anyway, this design does away with the underside of the sleeping bag altogether.

Source: https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2014/10/your-next-sleeping-bag-might-not-have-a-zipper-or-even-be-a-bag-at-all/

Sleeping Pad

Everything you need to know about sleeping pads

“Never waste any time you can spend sleeping.” Frank Knight

Sleeping pads provide a comfortable insulation layer between you and the ground. They serve two purposes: firstly, to prevent your body from losing heat directly to the ground, and secondly, to provide comfort and ensure a good night’s sleep. Recently, air-filled sleeping pads have become increasingly popular due to their comfort, lightweight and small packed volume.

Whether you have an ultra-light small sleeping pad or a simple foam mat, it’s worth taking time to think through how to care, pack and look after your pad to ensure that it lasts long and serves you well!

Check & Pack

Checking and packing your sleeping pad

“ I already want to take a nap tomorrow.” Author unknown

Check for wear and tear to the material (both top and bottom). Check that any valves are working (no hissing when closed and pressure on the mat) and that there are no punctures (check it stays inflated). Check that the material is clean and dry.

Although tempting to strap a sleeping pad to the outside of a pack, as seen in movies and many many other walkers, it really depends on the terrain as to whether or not this is a good idea. If you are expecting wide routes, little obstructing vegetation and no scrambling, then the chances of damaging sleeping pad are low. However, if you’re expecting even a small section of dense bush, narrow tracks or pushing packs over rocks, then there’s a good chance the pad will suffer quite a bit of damage when strapped outside. Try to have all you carry inside your pack.

If the only feasible way to carry your sleeping pad is to strap it to the outside of your pack, please do not wrap it in plastic garbage bags – these just get shredded on the track, and tiny bits of plastic will fly off into the bush. A classic way to destroy any hope of leaving no trace! If you need to strap it to the outside of your pack, then strap it to the very back of your pack where it will brush up against fewer plants. Avoid strapping it to the top, bottom or side of your pack, where the sleeping pad will be brushing up against rocks and plants often.

Use in the field

Using your sleeping pad in the bush

“If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep.” Dale Carnegie

In the bush, treat your sleeping pad gently. Avoid using it on sharp surfaces, always put a groundsheet down first. Choose the smoothest surface to camp on, and remove surface rocks or sticks that may cause damage to the pad.

Expect your sleeping pad to get a bit dirty in the bush – this is something you can deal with at home. However, there are a few things worth cleaning up immediately if they are spilt on a sleeping pad: insect repellent with DEET can damage material, and sap from trees can stick to material and be hard to remove. Wash off with a cloth soaked in water. If the sap is hard to remove, consider using alcohol wipes from first aid kit.

When setting up your sleeping pad, over inflate it slightly. Then when you lay down, you can release a bit of air until it feels super comfortable. Roll on your side and make sure your hip is not pressing against the ground.

Repairs in the field
Finding a leak in the field can be disheartening, to say the least, but if you carry a patch repair kit, it’s usually fairly straightforward to repair. Remember, the job done in the field doesn’t have to be the final one, it’s merely a way to get the gear to last until the end of the trip. Even if you don’t have specific patches for a sleeping pad, you may find that improvising a patch with tape or bandages from your first aid kit is good enough to make the gear last the remainder of the trip, and you can do a more thorough repair at home.

The first thing is to find the leak. Sometimes this is easy as you can hear the air leak or see a hole. Other times, this can be much harder, especially if there is a tiny hole or a really slow leak. In these cases, it works well to use water to identify the leak (for details, see Sleeping Pad: Care and maintenance). However, you need to make a judgement here: is it worth getting your sleeping pad wet? Are you able to dry it adequately before doing the repair and subsequently using it? If not, given that you have a slow leak, you may be better off just accepting the fact that the pad will leak a little over the course of the evening, and you need to re-inflate it during the night. This is usually the better option than sleeping on a semi-wet pad, with an improper repair job that only needs to be redone again and again. However, if you have good sun and warm conditions, and you can dry out the pad, then locating the hole by immersing the pad in water is helpful.

After finding the leak, use an alcohol-based wipe from a first aid kit to clean the area. Then follow the instructions on the patch and glue. Some adhesives need time to dry before applying the patch (this is called curing), while others don’t need a patch at all. In general, make sure that the patch covers at least 1 cm surrounding the hole, but follow specific instructions by the manufacturer.

Care and Maintenance

Looking after sleeping pad in the bush

“Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.” William C Dement

Back home, clean off any dirt, insect repellent, sunscreen or anything else that has stuck to the pad using a damp cloth. If left on long-term, these can cause damage to the material, particularly if chemicals such as DEET have been used in the insect repellent. For stubborn stains, use biodegradable soap. Once a season, do a complete clean of sleeping mat to remove body sweat and dirt, as they can transfer to a sleeping bag and compromise performance. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for washing. With inflatable sleeping pads take care to ensure the valve is closed with cleaning, drying the inside is tricky and it should not need cleaning.

After cleaning, dry sleeping pad thoroughly (but avoid prolonged periods of direct sunlight), and open the valve. Take care to dry both the interior and exterior of the sleeping pad. Interior moisture can lead to mould and degradation of the material. To dry the interior is to use a hair dryer on a low setting to partially inflate the sleeping pad (deflate and repeat a few times).

For long-term storage, follow instructions specific to your sleeping pad as some need to be inflated (e.g. therm-a-rest©), while others can be left deflated (e.g. neoair©). In general, self-inflating pads should be stored semi-inflated for good air circulation, whereas air pads should be stored loosely and not folded along the same crease lines each time. Choose a cool, dry place that isn’t susceptible to extremely hot or wet weather.

Repairs at home
Repairing sleeping pads at home is far more luxurious than fixing them in the field. You can focus on getting the job done well, with the right gear for long-lasting results.

If you can’t find a hole, try filling a tub or bucket with water and add a drop of dishwashing detergent or soap. Inflate sleeping pad as much as possible and splash a small amount of water onto the surface of the pad. Look out for tiny bubbles to appear from where the leak is. If you still can’t see bubbles, try gently squeezing the pad. Dry the area thoroughly with a towel, and mark the leak by drawing a circle around it with a marker pen. It is possible to have more than one leak, so keep looking even after you have found the first leak.

After finding the leak(s) then follow the instructions on the patch and glue. Some adhesives need time to dry before applying the patch (this is called curing), while others don’t need a patch at all. In general, make sure that the patch covers at least 1 cm surrounding the hole, but follow specific instructions by the manufacturer. Fixing leaks on a seam can be more challenging, so take extra care to patch well.

Selection (choosing in the shop)

Choosing your sleeping pad

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.” Irish proverb

Selecting a sleeping pad is an important choice – it’s the main thing that will keep you comfortable and warm during the night. When you lie directly on the ground, heat is transferred away from your body to the ground quickly because the ground is normally much colder than your body and very conductive. This means that you will lose body heat and get cold. Sleeping bag insulation only works when it is expanded, so sleeping bags provide essentially no insulation between you and the ground.

You do not ‘lose’ heat as such. Heat is a form of energy that can not be destroyed, but it can be moved or changed into a different form. We tend to ‘lose’ heat from it being transfered from us to something else and this can happen in three main ways.

  1. Conduction is where heat moves from a hot object to a colder object (or area) by moving directly through material, similar to how electricity travels along a wire. You feel this when laying on a cool rock, parts of your body touching the rock feel cold as the heat moves from you to the rock. This transfer can be slowed by putting an insulator between you and the ground.
  2. Convection creates circular air currents as warm air rises (eg to the top of the sleeping pad) swapping with cool air at the bottom. This movement of heat can be slowed by creating small air chambers and other barriers to slow or stop this air movement. You can see convection in action in a big way above a campfire with embers been lifted high above the fire.
  3. Radiation is the transfer of heat as a form of light, radiant heat is the main warmth you mostly feel from a campfire and when in direct sunlight. Most of the heat is in the form of infrared light, so we can’t see it, but it moves the same as light. Radiant heat can be reflected (with a mirror) or absorbed into another material that will then heat up (where it move again by conduction or convection). Shiny silver coverings on sleeping pads can help reflect the radiant heat back to you.

Everyone is different when it comes to preferences for sleeping bags, so make sure to try out a few different pads before making a decision. For those prone to pressure injuries, test out sleeping pad at home first before taking it on a bushwalk to ensure that your skin copes. Similarly, for people with back or neck pain, testing at home can help ensure the best pick for your walk.

Here are some examples of different types of sleeping pads with a comparison between various features.

Air PadAir-filled mattresses that the user manually inflate before use. These tend to be thick and comfortable

Therm-a-Rest Neo Air XTherm

Nemo Nomad Air 30XL sleeping mattress

Exped downmat 7m

Small, lightweight, comfortable, compact. Customisable firmness based on how much air is put in. Can be very good insulator depending on styleExpensive. Can make loud crinkly noises depending on the material used.

Can be punctured or rip, and therefore a real possibility of leaks.

Not all have great at insulating because of the large open air spaces that circulate cold air directly beneath the user. Some manufacturers add insulation to the mattress to significantly reduce this effect.
Self-inflatingSelf-inflating pads combine the warmth of closed cell foam with the comfort of open cell foam. Cells are covered in an airtight, waterproof material. Users inflate the pad by opening a valve and letting the foam inside expand, sucking in air. You can add extra aid if you want it firmer pad.

Therm-a-Rest® LuxuryMap™

Therm-a-Rest® ProLite ™

Comfortable, compact, excellent insulation. Customisable firmness based on how much air is put in. More expensive and heavier than closed-cell foam.$$
Closed-cell foamMade of dense foam that is filled with small closed-cell foam that to reduce conduction and convection, thus retaining heat.

Therm-a-Rest™ Z Lite SOL™ Mattress

Ultralon EVA Closed Cell Foam Hiking Mat

Warm, light and hardy (tend to last a long time). Cells are water-repellent, so mat is waterproof. No need to worry about punctures and can double as a seat around the campfire.Not as comfortable as thicker pads, stiff and firm. Bulky. $

Key features to consider:

  1. R-value
    This is a lab-obtained value that conveys the insulating properties of the sleeping pad. The higher the number, the better the insulation. Since the measurement is made about the resistance of a sleeping pad to heat transfer, the larger the R-value, the better it is at retaining heat (i.e. good for winter).
    Insulation typeR-valueLowest temperature

    Of course, every person is different and their tolerance to cold will vary with the way they sleep and the sleeping bag they use. The R-values are what the pad can do at it’s extreme and not loaded with a person lying on it (this reduces insulation). Select a pad with an R-value that is higher than you expect to have a comfortable night.

  2. Size
    Sleeping pads vary in size by their thickness, width and length. Some bushwalkers prefer three-quarter or half sized lengths to save on weight. Bushwalkers may use clothes or other material to provide padding under their feet with shorter pads, but full-length pads tend to be more comfortable. As a general rule the thicker the pad, the more comfortable and few pressure points.

    Black Wolf 3/4 Ultralight Self-inflating Mat 3.8cm

    Even more extreme is the Klymit Inertia X-Lite Short Inflatable Hiking Mattress, with parts of the frame missing:

    Klymit Inertia X-Lite Short Inflatable Hiking Mattress

  3. Shape
    Some sleeping pads are rectangular, while others are mummy-shaped, following the body’s natural shape. For instance, the Therm-a-Rest™ Women’s ProLite

    Therm-a-Rest™ Women’s ProLite

    This has the advantage to save on weight due to less material.


  5. Surface material
    Some sleeping pad surfaces are really slippery, causing your sleeping bag to roll off easily, particularly if you move around a lot in your sleep. Surfaces that are textured tend to have more grip and can provide a more comfortable sleep. Too much grip can then make it hard to move around. Some sleeping bags have pockets to hold the sleeping pad. If you have this design, then you tend to want more slippy pads to make it easier to get in and out.

  7. Inflation time and chambers
    The two factors that affect inflation time are the size of the pad and the type of valve. Some valves transport high airflow, meaning that the pad inflates quickly (far more enjoyable to inflate these pads after a long day on the track!). And of course, a three-quarter pad will be much faster to inflate than a similar full-size model. Some pads are self-inflating, while others need to be inflated by mouth. Orally inflated pads tend to be slow and over time can have mold build up inside the pad. To avoid mold growth, use a dry bag pump, as these not only make inflating pads much faster and easier but the bags can also be used to keep gear dry.

  9. Baffles
    Side rail ‘baffles’ are railings on the side of a pad that make it harder for the user to roll off the pad during sleep.

    REI Co-op AirRail 1.5 ($90)

Underquilt – for hammock users

All about underquilts in the bush

An underquilt is used with a hammock to reduce heat loss to the air under the hammock. Underquilts are made out of the same insulation material as a sleeping bag and hangs beneath the hammock. The idea is to create an insulation layer underneath the sleeper that does not get crushed under body weight. Since crushed insulation is far less effective than fluffy insulation, keeping body weight off the insulation material provides a far more effective insulation layer for hammock users.

Some hammock users will carry sleeping pads to give them more options, for example if they camps somewhere with no hanging points, they can use a sleeping pad on the ground, where an underquilt would provide very little value. Most hammock sleepers find under quilts lighter, warmer and more comfortable then a sleeping pad in most situations.

Similar to sleeping bags, some of the key features to look out for when selecting an appropriate underquilt include:

The two main material elements to consider for a hammock underquilt include the outer shell, which will be subject to dew and condensation from being out overnight, as well as the insulation materials.

The shell of a hammock must be durable and water repellent. Ideally, select a material that is non-rip (e.g. Ripstop material) to protect the underquilt from tears. Select materials with some sort of durable water repellent coating.

Just like sleeping bag insulation, underquilt insulation is either synthetic or down. Down has the advantage of great weight to warm ratio and compacts down well. Synthetic insulation tends to work better if it gets wet.

An underquilt should be well fitted to your hammock for maximum insulation. Size differences in underquilts generally relate to the length and width of the underquilt, so check that these dimensions match well to the hammock you typically use. Select a size that insulates well but not so tight that it restricts movement.

Weight is obviously a factor for comfort in overnight hiking. Underquilts range in weight from as light as 210g (e.g. Thermarest Slacker Hammock Warmer) through to 400g (e.g. the Revolt) and more.

There is generally a trade-off with weight – the lighter it is, the more expensive it is! Light can also indicate that the temperature rating is not as high as heavier ones made from same materials, so make sure to check this out also.

Hammocks work well in a broad range of temperature conditions and follow a similar temperature rating scheme to sleeping bags {ref – link to sleeping bag temperature ratings}. Seek an underquilt that is rated to below conditions you’ll typically be using it in.

Some examples:

Thermarest Slacker Hammock Warmer$
Thermarest Slacker Down Underquilt$$
Flying Tent Underquilt 150 dark anthracite$$$

Inner Sheet

Everything you need to know about inner sheets

“People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.” Leo J Burke

Bushwalkers use inner sheets (sometimes called ‘liners’) to provide a protective layer between them and their sleeping bag and add extra warmth. The insulating properties of a sleeping bag decrease significantly if the bag gets dirty, particularly with body sweat.

Sleeping bag inners reduce the amount of dirt, mud and sweat getting onto the sleeping bag and can also increase insulation by as much as 5℃. They are usually reasonably lightweight can be easily cleaned at the end of a trip because they are a separate easily machine-washable item.

Carrying an inner sheet increases your sleeping options. On hot nights, just use the inner sheet. On cool nights, use both inner sheet and sleeping bag. On in between nights you might sleep in your inner sheet with your sleeping bag unzipped. Back home, clean the inner sheet, and you’ve instantly got a fresh clean sleeping area again!

Check & Pack Checking and packing your inner sheet

When packing your inner sheet, make sure it is clean and dry, and check for wear and tear on the fabric, including thin parts or tears.

A great way of saving space is to pack your inner sheet inside your sleeping bag and compression bag.

If you can’t find your inner sheet, an alternative is to carry a change of clean long-sleeved clothes (e.g. thermals) that you can sleep in. This is a reasonable replacement for an inner sheet and prevents your sleeping bag getting too wet. Just be mindful that tight fitting clothes are not always a good idea when sleeping.

Use in the field Using your inner sheet in the bush

Caring for your inner sheet in the field is similar to caring for your sleeping bag – treat it gently, avoid using on sharp surfaces. Air your inner sheet out each morning before packing away. At bedtime, climb into your inner sheet then slide your sleeping bag around you.

Care and Maintenance Looking after your inner sheet

The two main properties of a sleeping bag inner sheets to think through are the material and the shape.

Sleeping bag inner sheets generally come in two forms – mummy shaped or rectangular/barrel.

‘Rectangular’ or ‘barrel’ shaped inner sheets are the most common shape. They are broad, leaving plenty of room for you to get in and out, and also move around in your sleep.

‘Mummy’ shaped inner sheets fit the human body shape well and generally feel tighter than rectangular inner sheets. They use less material than rectangular inner sheets and are therefore lighter. Mummy shaped inner sheets can sit neatly into mummy shaped sleeping bag.

The main materials to choose from are synthetic polyester and spandex, natural fibres such as silk or cotton and fleece material.

MaterialImage/examplesProsConsApproximate Price
($ - cheap; $$- moderate; $$$ - expensive)
Synthetic polyester and spandex

Kathmandu Sleeping Bag Liner Thermal

Sea To Summit Expander Sleeping Bag Liner - Long

Moisture-wicking and breathable. Stretchy, comfortable material. Not made from natural fibres.$$

Sea to Summit
Silk Travel Liner - Rectangular

Mont Silk Inner Sheet Standard

Lightweight and compact. Absorbent and breathable. Feels nice on skin. Quick drying.Pricey$$$

Denali Travel Liner White Envelope

Single cotton inner sheets-yha - pillow slip

Durable and strong. Cheap. Feels nice on the skin.Heavy and bulky.

Does not insulate as well as other materials.

If inner sheet gets wet, cotton takes a long time to dry out and is not an effective insulator when damp.

Sea to Summit Thermolite Reactor Fleece Liner - Regular

Stratus Fleece Sleeping Bag Liner (10°)

Very warm; feels nice and soft on the skinHard to use by itself on a hot night because it is so warm.

Material is bulky and heavy, so takes up a lot of weight and volume in backpack.

Insect repellant
Some inner sheets come with inbuilt insect repellent for protection. Worth checking out if using open shelter designs such as a tarp without a mosquito net.

Extra features

  1. Zips
    Zips are an uncommon feature on inner sheets as they tend to add significant weight to an already lightweight item. Most sleeping bag materials tend to breathe well (and wick moisture away from the skin), so ventilation isn’t usually an issue.

    The exception is for this are those thicker inner sheets that can double as a summer sleeping bag. For example, Sea to Summit Reactor Fleece:

    Sea to Summit Thermolite Reactor Fleece Liner – Regular

  2. Pillow pocket
    Some inner sheets have an extra fold of material with room for a pillow. While the additional material adds extra bulk and weight, some people like having this style of inner sheet as it doubles as a travel liner for use in youth hostels with some bedding already provided.