
Foot Infections

How to avoid food illnesses and infections

We are all connected.
When one arm of foot is poisoned,
the whole body becomes infected. Suzy Kassem

Skin provides a natural barrier, but if that barrier gets broke via a wound, then the area is prone to infection. Due to the warm moist environment surrounding feet, bacterial and fungal infections are common. People with medical complications such as diabetes often have poor circulation, and are most susceptible to foot infections. If an infection doesn’t clear up quickly or gets worse, seek medical attention.

Bacterial infections
Typical signs of bacterial infection include:

  • Increased redness, swelling, pain, warmth and tenderness around the area.
  • Pus in and around the area.
  • Fever.

This inflammatory response is the body’s way of protecting against infection. The immune system is kicked into action. In an attempt to fight off the infection, extra blood is sent to the affected area and that’s what causes the localised redness, swelling and warmth. Inflammatory responses may also occur in areas of the body that are overused or have minor injuries, and are not necessarily associated with infection.

Infected areas can turn nasty pretty quickly, particularly in hot and humid conditions – perfect for pathogens to multiply. Unfortunately, those are the exact conditions that feet are subject to in sweaty socks and shoes, so wounds on feet are particularly susceptible to infection. On bushwalks it’s important to take precautions to prevent any injuries or wounds getting infected, and to seek medical attention if the patient’s condition deteriorates.

While it’s impossible to dodge small wounds and cuts entirely, good foot care and maintenance can go a long way to reducing the chance of infection. Appropriate management of infections in the field is important.


  • In the field: If skin is broken, clean the area with a saline solution or alcohol wipes or just water if nothing else is available. Apply antiseptic cream (e.g. betadine) and put on suitable bandage depending on size and location of the wound. Monitor the patient for signs of infection such as increased aches, pain and fever. If the condition becomes serious, seek medical attention.
  • At home: regularly clean and dress the wound. Monitor and seek medical attention if the wound does not heal.

Yeast infections
Because shoes provide the ideal warm, moist conditions for fungi to thrive, feet are also extremely susceptible to fungal infections.

Common fungal infections include:

  • Athlete’s foot – Symptoms: red, itchy patches. White flaking skin.
  • Jock itch – Symptoms: rash, patches of redness or bumps.
  • Ringworm – Symptoms: itchy, red, scaly patches.

Athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm are all caused by dermatophyte fungi, although athlete’s foot can occasionally triggered by yeast (candida) infections. Fungi feed on keratin, which is a protein found in skin, hair and nails.

There are some simple steps to follow to reduce the chance of getting a fungal infection:

  • Develop a good foot maintenance routine.
  • Wear footwear and socks made from breathable materials.
  • Wash feet thoroughly after exercise and change socks.
  • Keep toenails cut short and clean them regularly (note that fungal infections can develop underneath toenails).
  • Air feet out as much as possible (i.e. use open shoes around the house). When feet are infected, avoid walking barefoot as this can spread fungal infection.


  • In the field: Because it’s hard to properly keep the feet clean and dry on a bushwalk, fungal infections are difficult to eradicate. Consider soaking feet in creeks (downstream from any water collection points) for relief, applying antifungal cream (if this is something in the first aid kit) and changing socks regularly to keep feet as dry as possible.
  • At home: wash and dry the rash area thoroughly; apply antifungal creams and/or powders; seek medical attention if it hasn’t cleared up within two weeks or gets worse.

Foot Pain

How to prevent and deal with foot pain on a bushwalk

When our feet hurt,
we hurt all over. Socrates

Foot pain is most likely caused by injury, disease, trauma, some biomechanical misalignment or a poor choice of footwear. Walking and weight bearing for extended periods in poorly fitting footwear or on an injured/inflamed foot leads to pain and tenderness, with the potential for long-term problems.

Below are some common foot complaints with short- and long-term treatments in the bush and at home, and prevention methods.
Important: If foot pain persists, seek medical attention. Some of these conditions must be treated effectively early on to prevent long-term problems.

Heel Pain
Heel pain refers to the extreme discomfort felt through any part of the heel. It can be caused by:

  1. Overuse: Repeated impact on a specific part of the foot.
  2. Plantar fasciitis: Inflammation of the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot connecting the heel with the toes. This is often a result of a biomechanical problem such as flat feet.

Try a heel cup or cradle, heel or an orthotic to absorb shock. Select footwear that has good arch support and heel height.


  1. In the field: Take frequent rests; consider shortening the trip; seek medical attention if pain gets worse.
  2. Back home: Rest and recover until pain subsides, reduce physical activity.

Achilles tendonitis
The Achilles tendon inserts into the heel from the back of the leg and controls flexing movements of the foot. Achilles tendonitis is the inflammation of the Achilles tendon, resulting in a sharp shooting burning pain and should be treated to prevent complications.

Achilles Tendonitis can be caused by:

  1. Over-pronation: The arch of the foot collapses under weight-bearing and the foot tends to tilt inwards on a flat surface
  2. Poor footwear fitting
  3. Short Achilles tendon
  4. Trauma to Achilles tendon
  5. Inadequate stretching and strengthening before an activity

Stretch well before heading out on a walk to warm up the muscles. Try a heel cup or cradle, heel or appropriate orthotic to control for over-pronation and support the longitudinal arch.


  1. In the field: Take frequent rests; consider shortening the trip; seek medical attention if pain gets worse.
  2. Back home: Rest and recover until pain subsides, reduce physical activity. Apply ice afterwards and avoid walks with steep uphill climbs.

Arch Pain/Strain
Arch pain can be the result of inflammation or burning of muscles associated with the arch of the foot.
Arch pain/strain can be caused by:

  1. Foot injury or structural imbalance
  2. Plantar fasciitis: Inflammation of the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot connecting heel with toes. Often a result of some biomechanical problem such as flat feet.

Use well-fitting footwear with good shock-absorbing soles. Consider an orthotic to give good arch support and prevent overpronation.


  • In the field: Take frequent rests; consider shortening the trip; seek medical attention if pain gets worse.
  • At home: Very important to treat this condition before it worsens. Rest and recover until pain subsides, reduce physical activity. Avoid shoes with heels.

Bunions are a prominent bump on the inside of the foot beside the joint of the big toe. They’re a common foot problem caused by the big toe bone moving towards the smaller toes and it’s possible that the big toe rests above or below the second toe. Bunions may cause swelling, inflammation and soreness and in extreme cases may cause walking difficulties. The analogous problem (a Bunionette) may also occur on the outside of the foot at the little toe joint due to the little toe moving inwards towards the fourth toe.

Bunions are more common in women and are thought to be associated with wearing dress shoes that are too small for the toes. Select shoes with a wide toebox.

At home: Bathing feet in warm water; wearing properly fitting shoes preferably with a wide toebox; orthotics for additional support, comfort and protection. Some people find bunion shield effective at reducing pain and limiting bunion formation.

Sun Exposure

Why you need to be careful in the sun

Overexposure to the sun often leads to sunburn, with the skin becoming reddened and inflamed. In extreme cases, blistering and peeling occur, and this has been linked to a higher risk of skin cancer.

The sun produces visible light and other types of electromagnetic radiation that are invisible to the human eye.

Visible light consists of wavelengths in the range of 400-700 nanometers. Ultraviolet (UV) light is a shorter wavelength, higher frequency light that literally translates to ‘beyond blue’, and is in the blue end of the colour spectrum. UV ranges from 200-400 nanometers and is further broken down into three categories: UVA (320-400nm), UVB (290-320nm) and UVC (200-290nm).

UV has different properties to visible light. For instance, if a cloud blocks a percentage of visible light on a cloudy day, it will not block the same percentage of UV. Similarly, UVA, UVB and UVC have different behavioural properties such as scattering and absorption. The earth’s atmosphere blocks most of the lower wavelength UV (almost all of UVC and most of UVB), so that on most of the UV that reaches the earth is UVA (~95%), the longest wavelength UV. Because thick clouds block UVB, the amount of UVB that makes it to the earth’s surface is heavily dependent on cloud cover.

UVB induces production of Vitamin D, which is vital for bone health, the nervous system, the immune system and controlling insulin secretion. But, overexposure to UVB can have acute and harmful effects. UVB causes direct damage to DNA, which can lead to replication mutations and eventually cancer. By contrast, UVA causes indirect damage to DNA via free radicals, and this indirect damage can lead to cancer[note]De Gruijl, F.R., [33] Photocarcinogenesis: UVA vs UVB, in Methods in Enzymology. 2000, Academic Press. p. 359-366[/note]. While UVA appears to be less carcinogenic than UVB, it is more abundant in sunlight than UVB. Hence UVA contributes significantly to the carcinogenicity of sunlight.

Melanin is the body’s defence against UV. Upon exposure to UV, the brown skin pigment increases – suntan. Melanin can absorb and disperse UV to some degree to protect the body’s precious DNA. In general, people with darker skin are more likely to withstand greater sun exposure than fair-skinned people.

Most sunburn appears to happen near the boundary of the UVA and UVB bands. This has led to the development of the ultraviolet index or UV Index, an international standard that conveys information about the strength of UV at a given location and time, and can be found for Australia on the Bureau of Meteorology website.


Modified from World Health Organization, and International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. Global solar UV index: a practical guide. (2002)

Due to the thinning of the ozone layer in the mid-latitude parts of the earth, Australia has a high UV risk. Without the ozone layer to stop the sun’s powerful radiation, UV can penetrate to the earth’s surface, including through clouds. So even on a cloudy day, it’s possible to get burnt. In most parts of Australia, the UV index is high-extremely high all year around, so it’s sensible to use sun protection all year. If in doubt, check the UV index forecast before heading out.

Reflected UV can be as dangerous as direct UV. Shiny surfaces such as water and snow reflect UV and can catch bushwalkers unexpectedly, particularly if the air temperature is cool and keeping warm is more to mind rather than sunbathing. Similarly, sun exposure is a problem at high elevations because UV exposure increases with altitude. Sun exposure is also a issue in countries where the malarial medication doxycycline is taken – it makes the skin more sensitive to sunburn.

Hence, sun protection may be as important in winter as it is in summer: use a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a good shirt all year round.

Slip On a Shirt

Selecting a good bushwalking shirt

Clothing provides protection from the sun by the fabric blocking, scattering and/or absorbing harmful radiation. A long sleeve shirt and long pants give protection to arms and legs, and collared shirts somewhat protect the neck.

In hot conditions, it’s wise to choose materials that are lightweight, loose and can breathe easily to prevent overheating, but this goes against common thinking that thicker materials provide better UV protection.

Clothing with denser fabrics such as cotton, linen, hemp, polyester, nylon, spandex and polypropylene are more effective at blocking, scattering and/or absorbing harmful radiation. Health organisations recommend them. A study suggests that a simple see-through test is not a valid test of UV penetration[note]Osterwalder, U., et al., Facts and Fiction on Ultraviolet Protection by Clothing. Radiation protection dosimetry, 2000. 91(1-3): p. 255-259[/note]. The reason is that in some materials visible light is scattered, but UV can still penetrate. The human eye cannot see UV, so even if all visible light is blocked, UV can still penetrate. Hence visible light transmission is not a reliable test of UV transmission.

Originally, clothing was given an SPF standard based on a measure of how long it takes for a person’s skin to burn under the material. More recently, UPF ratings were introduced giving an indication of how well a piece of fabric can block UV. UPF are now considered a more reliable measure of a fabric’s protection against UV since different skin types burn at different rates.

In practical terms, most day-to-day clothing provides moderate sun protection. A study of typical clothing worn by the general public found that around three-quarters of clothing types regularly worn would offer protection of more than SPF 15[note]Osterwalder, U., et al., Facts and Ficton on Ultraviolet Protection by Clothing. Radiation protection dosimetry, 2000. 91(1-3): p. 255-259[/note]. However, for bushwalking, where sun exposure is generally higher, it may be worth considering clothing that has a certified UPF rating, which is the measure of UVA/UVB penetration for fabrics. Old or worn fabric is less likely to protect from UV.

Clothing with UPF ratings are specially manufactured materials to absorb harmful radiation. One way of doing this is to embed the material with nanoparticles that absorb the appropriate wavelengths of light. Counter-intuitively, studies have shown that washing appears to improve UV qualities of clothing[note]Stanford, D.G., K.E. Georgouras, and M.T. Pailthorpe, The effect of laundering on the sun protection afforded by a summer weight garment. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 1995. 5(1): p. 28-30; Zhou, Y. and P. Cox Crews, Effect of OBAs and repeated launderings on UVR transmission through fabrics. Textile Chemist and Colorist, 1998. 30: p. 19-24[/note] perhaps due to the shrinking effect or because of the chemicals in washing powders. Companies now manufacture laundry products so that consumers can ‘wash’ UV protection into their clothing.

As assessing the UV index on a walk may be difficult if not impossible, a simple solution is to act as if the sun is very strong. This could mean wearing a broad brim hat with a flap at the back, a long sleeve shirt and sunscreen on most walks. People who burn easily could also wear long pants and light gloves. A cloth barrier may and often does work better than sunscreen because clothing can’t rub or sweat off and the wearer often doesn’t need to remember to put clothes on every two hours. Essentially, the more protective clothing the user wears, the need for sunscreen decreases.

To summarise, clothing may provide an effective barrier to harmful radiation from the sun. Avoid torn, old or worn clothing, and consider using materials that have certified UPF ratings.

Slop On Sunscreen

The best sunscreen for you

Sunscreen is a cream or spray applied to the skin as a protective layer against the sun and is an absolute ‘must-have’ for bushwalking in Australia. It’s essential on areas of the body that are hard to protect with clothing such as the nose and ears. Sunscreen can be bought in varying strengths and styles (cream, spray) suitable for the user’s skin type and application preferences.

Sunscreen works by absorbing or reflecting the more dangerous parts of the spectrum of sunlight. Organic sunscreens are carbon-based and contain avobenzone or oxybenzone, which absorbs UV, thus preventing it from reaching the skin. Inorganic sunscreens, often zinc, scatters or reflects UV. Sunscreen is remarkably effective considering how lightweight and easy it is to apply. However, care must be taken to re-apply frequently, especially after swimming or moderate sweating.

Skin sensitivity to the sun varies between individuals, so different sunscreens work better for some people than others. Sunscreen comes various SPF ratings, measuring how much protection the wearer has from sunburn. All other things such as length of time in the sun, walking in shady forest or on treeless plains, and if protective clothing is worn being equal, sunscreen effectiveness depends on skin type and how well the sunscreen stays on the skin.

As a rough guide, people with very fair skin complexions should apply the highest possible SPF rating (50+), and people with very dark skin can get away with an extremely low SPF rating. Where possible, select a ‘broad-spectrum’ sunscreen as this protects from UVA and UVB. To cater for higher sweating, a sports-specific or water-resistant sunscreen is preferable on bushwalks.

Examine this table (adapted from hawaiiantropic.com) to match sunscreen strength to user skin type.

A medical study found that the optimal way to apply sunscreen is 15-30 minutes before sun exposure and then again after 15-20 minutes in the sun. Once this initial reapplication is done, reapply sunscreen every two hours (or as directed on the label) and sooner if sweating a lot; sunscreen is lost via sweat. On a bushwalk, it might be easy to forget the first re-application after 15-20 minutes in the sun, so aim to do it at the first break and then again at lunch and afternoon tea.

Before going on a bushwalk, it’s a good idea to test the sunscreen for allergies at home. Apply a small amount to the wrist and check regularly for unusual swelling or redness. Sunscreen has a finite life, so check the use-by date.

Environmental Impacts Sunscreen has toxic effects on aquatic wildlife

Sunscreen is undoubtedly a fantastic solution for sun protection, but there are environmental considerations when using it in the bush.

Some sunscreens contain UV-filtering nanoparticles. These particles are minuscule, around a thousandth of a hair diameter or one billionth of a metre. Zinc oxide is commonly used in sunscreen: it’s effective at absorbing harmful UV reports with no known side effects to human health.

However, nanoparticles may have toxic effects on marine animals with knock-on effects to whole ecosystem processes. Even at tiny concentrations, nanoparticles may interrupt essential cellular processes and make some marine species more susceptible to further contaminants.

Interestingly, it comes down to an aesthetics argument. Both zinc oxide (as used in old style zinc cream) and titanium dioxide (common pigment in all white paints) are, generally, pretty safe to use topically and both act by simply reflecting light, including UV wavelengths. The problem? You can see them! That is, where you apply them they look white ,or coloured if coloured pigments are added (i.e. pink zink). You will notice many cricketers still using white sunscreens.

But these are not aesthetic enough for some people so manufacturers switched to microscopic forms (nanoparticles). So, if you are concerned about nanoparticles, you should an opaque product such as the old zinc cream OR a non-pigmented one that uses synthetic organic UV filters which have a very good safety record.

Slap On a Hat

Tips for choosing a great bushwalking hat

Broad brim hats protect the face and neck from the sun. The brim blocks UV and gives shelter from precipitation. Broad brim hats are comfortable and effective sun protection, and should be worn on all bushwalks at all times.

Hats come in many shapes and sizes, with different ways to help secure them. Some sizes, shapes and fabrics are better at providing protection than others.

Consider the following when selecting a bushwalking hat.

Size and shape
Peaked caps give minimal protection to the face and none to the ears or the neck. Broad brim hats give the best protection. As a rough guide, a 10-centimetre brim should give good protection to the head. This must be balanced against visibility by the user – some brims can obscure parts of the user’s vision, particularly peripheral vision. Hats should be loosely fitted to avoid discomfort and headaches, but not so loose that they fall off easily.

Denser fabrics such as cotton, linen and hemp, polyester, nylon, spandex and polypropylene tend to have superior UV protection. Old or worn fabric is less likely to protect from UV. Thinner materials can their UV protection boosted with nanoparticle additives.

Natural fibres like cotton, linen and hemp are heavier than lightweight synthetics like polyester, nylon, spandex and polypropylene. Select lighter materials if the user has neck or shoulder issues that wearing heavier materials will aggravate.

Other features
A strap is useful for holding the hat in place in windy conditions or in scrub. Some hats have mesh sections to help evaporate sweat and keep the user cool. However, mesh can expose the skin to direct UV. Better to keep cool by periodically wetting the hat with water if passing close to a water source. Insect repellent mesh is sometimes built into the hat. This is useful in areas with high infestations of flies or mosquitoes but can be quite uncomfortable to use for long periods of time because it’s hard to see and breath through the mesh. Hats with side-flaps can sometimes be as effective.

In summary, a broad brim hat made from dense fabric offers the best sun protection to the head but isn’t necessarily the most practical option on a bushwalk. Lighter hats are easier to stow and are more comfortable, but users should avoid extended periods of exposure.

Seek Shade

Hide from the sun when it is strong

Staying well protected from the sun’s harmful radiation extends beyond using just physical aids such as hats, sunglasses and sunscreen. It’s about making sensible behavioral choices and decisions around how to avoid too much sun exposure.

Bushwalking involves a certain amount of being in the sun – that’s part of the fun of being outdoors – but there are ways of planning the walk to avoid too much exposure.

The solar noon is when the sun is at the highest point in the sky, and the UV is strongest. This occurs around noon to 2 pm but depends on the latitude and time and changes with season. Use the NOAA calculator to work out solar noon. On a bushwalk, especially in hot weather, aim to hit a shady spot in the middle of the day. Find a place where the group can relax, enjoy lunch and cool down before tackling the rest of the walk later in the afternoon when the sun is lower.

A better option in hot conditions is to start early with the aim of finishing by the middle of the day or early afternoon. This may entail packing up in the dark, but it means that most of the walking is over by lunch. Knowing that there’s only an hour or two after lunch – if that – is psychologically useful on some walks.

In most parts of Australia, the UV index is extremely high for most of the year, so outdoor activities must be planned with that in mind. Take regular breaks in the shade, stay protected from the sun and keep an eye on everyone in the group to make sure they’re managing. It’s also a good idea to look for heat-related medical conditions, many of which can be avoided by drinking water and keeping cool.

Slide on Sunglasses

Choosing a pair of sunglasses for bushwalking

Most sunglasses transmit some visible light and block substantial amounts of harmful UV. Overexposure to UVB can damage the retina, cornea, lens and conjunctiva and other eye diseases, so reducing the amount of UVB reaching the eye can substantially improve long-term eye health[note]Wang, S.Q., Y. Balagula, and U. Osterwalder, Photoprotection: a review of the current and future technologies. Dermatologic therapy, 2010. 23(1): p. 31-47[/note].

Manufacturers of sunglasses are not compelled to follow standards for the amount of sunlight (visible and UVB) transmitted through the lenses[note]Wang, S.Q., Y. Balagula, and U. Osterwalder, Photoprotection: a review of the current and future technologies. Dermatologic therapy, 2010. 23(1): p. 31-47[/note]. Consequently, cosmetic sunglasses may allow significantly higher percentages of UVB through than special purpose lenses. Care must be taken when selecting a suitable pair of sunglasses, and price or brand may not be a guarantee of quality regarding UVB protection.

Some researchers believe that the shape of the sunglasses is more important than the amount of UVB protection, claiming that the majority of ocular damage occurs from scattered or reflected light entering through the side of the glasses[note]Wang, S.Q., Y. Balagula, and U. Osterwalder, Photoprotection: a review of the current and future technologies. Dermatologic therapy, 2010. 23(1): p. 31-47[/note]. Sunglasses with side protection can be purchased on the Cancer Council website or from companies like Bollé. However, if it’s not possible to use glasses with side protection, look for a pair with lenses that cover the sides and sit close to the face.

Sunglasses are crucial when snow shoeing or skiing. Snow reflects UVB extremely effectively, and this reflected sunlight can be as damaging to eye health as direct sunlight. Sunglasses also provide protection from bright sunlight on the horizon. During winter, the sun moves closer to the horizon and sunlight is more likely to shine into the eyes. While the amount of UVB that penetrates the atmosphere decreases considerably when the sun is on the horizon, sunglasses improve comfort substantially for the user.

When selecting a pair of sunglasses, consider these aspects.

UV protection
Aim for sunglasses that blocks 99% of UV and blocks both UVA and UVB. Such sunglasses are labelled UV400.

Polarised lenses
These reduce glare from shiny surfaces such as snow, glass, and water, making it easier to see. Quickly test if sunglasses are polarised by examining the intensity of a shiny image (e.g. a computer monitor) through the sunglasses when they are held normally, and when they are turned vertically. If the reflection changes, then they’re polarised. There’s another method that can be done with one known polarised lens such as a camera filter and one that’s being tested. Hold them to the light and rotate one through 90 degrees. If the test lens is polarised the light will go black.

Frame weight
Select lightweight materials as heavy frames can give some people a headache.

Titanium is a durable but expensive option. Sunnies are all too easy to break or lose in the bush, so opt for something that’s relatively inexpensive to replace.

A cord attached to both arms can hold glasses securely in place, stopping them getting dislodged or lost accidentally. Alternatively, glasses with arms that wrap around the ears to keep them in place are sufficient.

Side protection
For protection from peripheral radiation.

Some prescription glasses can be made with tinted lenses which help absorb light before hitting the user’s eyes. Although not as effective as polarised lenses at reducing glare, they do offer reasonable protection, and some people find this an easier option than contact lenses and sunnies.

To sum up, bushwalking sunglasses should be lightweight and comfortable, perhaps secured to the user’s head or body so the sunnies are hard to lose.

Types of Footwear

Footwear options for bushwalking

Good shoes take you good places. Unknown

The choice of footwear can make or break a trip. Ultimately the type of footwear a bushwalker selects is a very personal choice, but the most important things to consider are:

(i) are they comfortable; and
(ii) are they suited to the terrain and weather conditions?

For instance, a snowy alpine trek will expose feet to very different conditions to a creek bash in the tropics. New bushwalkers don’t need to start out with expensive bushwalking footwear. It’s much better to begin using a simple pair of sports shoes or similar – basically something very familiar and comfortable – and then do some more reading and research (and talk to people) before buying. Many bushwalkers swear by Vollies and KT 26s, even for tackling fairly difficult terrain such as South West Tasmania. Once familiar with the pros and cons of each footwear type, and how to ensure a good fit, the selection process becomes easier.

Leather boots Pros and cons of leather boots

Hiking boots are common in Europe and America, where many tracks climb exposed mountain ranges with extreme weather conditions. In Australia, there are fewer tracks that require hiking boots.

A common reason to select ‘high-top’ or high-ankle boots is to provide ankle support, however, there is little to no scientific evidence to support this. In fact, people who wear footwear with a low-cut ankle not only show no difference in ankle injury, but also have footwear that is lighter, more comfortable and less expensive. Heavy boots make it hard to feel the terrain underfoot and judge what’s slippery or uneven, arguably leaving the user more prone to injury than user wearing a lightweight pair of comfortable sports shoes.

Although the ankle support reason for wearing boots appears to be a myth, boots have merits that should be considered.


  • Rigid sole
    Boots generally have a thick, rigid sole that spreads the pressure on steep or spiky terrain where a lot of weight gets put on a small part of the foot. Because feet are not accustomed to carrying the additional weight of a heavy backpack, a rigid sole also provides foot support.
  • Insulation
    The thicker material and longer ankle parts of boots keep feet warmer in cool climates.
  • Effective at keeping feet dry
    If boots are treated and maintained well, the material is reliably water resistant, providing water doesn’t enter through the top such as during a creek crossing or in rain.
  • Foot protection
    Thick toe and heel material provides protection from sharp rocks, snow and rough terrain.
  • Stops unwanted items entering the boot
    The higher ankles work with gaiters to prevent dirt and rocks from entering.
  • Durable
    If leather boots are well maintained they can last a long time, a lot longer than running shoes.


  • Weight
    Leather boots are heavy, requiring more energy per step. It’s harder to ‘feel’ the track, making users more likely to misjudge the track conditions, slip or injure themselves.
  • Breathability
    Less breathable than synthetic materials, increasing the chance of blisters.
  • Breaking in
    Leather boots need to be broken in before the leather is a comfortable stiffness. This can mean that the first 4-6 walks in the boots are uncomfortable.
  • Price
    Leather boots are generally at the high end of the price range, and a decent pair can be very expensive, perhaps $250-450. However, ten pairs of $25 runners may last as long as one pair of $250 boots. Price and durability must be considered together.
  • Other
    Boots can take a long time to dry out. Wet leather boots are often heavy and uncomfortable.

If not used in sharp, rough terrain with extreme weather, the disadvantages of using heavy boots usually outweigh the advantages. For easier conditions, it is suggested that you select something more comfortable.

Synthetic boots Pros and cons of synthetic boots

Synthetic boots have much the same advantages and disadvantages as leather boots but are generally a little lighter and more comfortable.



  • Weight
    While lighter than leather boots, synthetic boots are still heavier than most other shoe types. Again, heavier boots require more energy per step. Cumbersome boots also make it harder to ‘feel’ the track, making users more likely to misjudge the track conditions, slip or sustain an injury.
  • Breathability
    Synthetic boots are generally more breathable than leather boots
  • Price
    Generally more affordable than leather boots but still not cheap.
  • Other
    Once wet, large heavy boots can take a long time to dry out.

Although a little less expensive, more comfortable and affordable than leather boots, synthetic boots are still only needed when heading over particularly steep and sharp terrain and in cold weather conditions. For most NSW walking areas this type of boot is unnecessary.

Low-cut walking boots, running shoes, sand shoes Pros and cons of low-cut walking boots, running shoes, sand shoes

Low-cut walking boots are half-way between a hiking boot and a running shoe. Low-cut walking boots are generally made with the same type of synthetic boots, the sole is thicker and more rigid than a sports shoe, but the ankle is still low. Sand shoes are generally made from lightweight, thin materials, and because of the rubber sole, Dunlop Volleys are very good for creek walking and canyoning. However, new Volleys don’t tend to last as long as they used to.


  • Usability
    Very comfortable. As the weight and design is similar to shoes used in everyday life, feet are generally accustomed to using this shoe style.
  • Price
    Much more affordable than boots ($50-250), however, may need 10 pairs to last as long as a pair of boots.


  • Durability
    Sports shoes tend to wear out a lot quicker than boots. For example, ten pairs of runners at $25 each may last as long as one pair of $250 heavy boots).
  • Effective at keeping feet dry
    Not water-resistant, but tend to dry fairly quickly and not get too heavy when wet.
  • Other
    Low-cut ankles allow detritus to build up inside.

Because they’re comfortable and affordable, sports shoes are great when starting bushwalking. Low-cut walking boots are more durable, suitable for most terrains and conditions. Consider upgrading to something heavier if planning to walk particularly rough terrain or in cold conditions such as alpine walking.

Barefoot style shoes Pros and cons of barefoot style shoes

There is still debate whether minimalist shoes such as the barefoot Vibram five finger running shoes lead to less injury than running with traditional running shoes, and more research needs to be done to determine if there are disadvantages to using minimalist shoes. Research on the biomechanics of foot impact while running suggests that landing on the forefoot has less impact than landing on the heel. This style of running is encouraged by barefoot style shoes, however, traditional running shoes promote heel landing.

While, some bushwalkers like using Vibram five finger running shoes, others find them extremely uncomfortable. If considering using them on a bushwalk, try them out thoroughly around home first before committing to them on a bushwalk.


  • Weight
    Lightweight: feels almost like being barefoot.
  • Other
    Quick to dry out.


  • Price
    At $100-150, relatively expensive for what you buy.
  • Durability
    Easily ripped on sharp objects or terrain.
  • Warmth
    Don’t keep feet warm.
  • Other
    Become smelly quickly, and require daily washing to prevent it.

Barefoot style shoes work extremely well for some people while others hate them. Test them out thoroughly at home before committing to using them on a bushwalk, and consult a professional if unsure about their suitability.

Sandals, thongs Pros and cons of Sandals

Sandals are comfortable to wear around the city and beach, but due to the thin heel, straps and the stabbing of sticks, many people find them uncomfortable over long distances. Sandals may be an alternative to shoes at camp to air feet out or for short creek crossings. Crocs are an Aussie favourite.


  • Weight
  • Price
    Varies from very low cost ($10) to that of a medium quality boot ($40-80).
  • Other
    Quick to dry out.


  • Protection
    Little protection against very hot or cold conditions. Little protection against rough, spiked or sharp terrain. Little protection from insect bites or scratchy vegetation.
  • Comfort
    Straps can cut into the feet, making walking long distances uncomfortable. Sandal straps tend to rub, and thongs easily slip off the feet.

Sandals are not ideal for walking, but may be handy in camp to air feet out at the end of the day. Although some people find them comfortable to walk in over long distances, sandals provide less protection than enclosed footwear, and most people would not find them providing enough support or grip in rough terrain.

Barefoot Pros and cons of barefoot

Dot Butler is famous for her barefoot explorations of the bush around Sydney. Walking barefoot brings an amazingly close connection to the track, the terrain and the wildlife where the track goes, but does leave the walker vulnerable to injury (e.g. sticks, sharp rocks. Walking barefoot is generally inadvisable, but is done by some experienced people that know their body and the terrain well.


  • Weight
  • Price


  • Protection
    No protection against very hot or cold conditions. No protection against rough, spiked or sharp terrain. No protection from insect bites or scratchy vegetation. Toes easily stubbed.
  • Other
    Takes time to wear in feet. People walking barefoot must know their body and the terrain well. People generally find it harder to walk fast and/or carry a heavy backpack barefoot
    Less capacity to deal with emergencies.

Walking barefoot is a fantastic way of connecting with the natural landscape. However, it’s something that requires a slow build up by training the feet and getting to know the terrain well. For most bushwalkers, a lightweight shoe protects their feet enough to give them the confidence to walk through the bush without worrying about their feet getting injured.

Footwear Attributes

Fabrics and features

Of all the paths you take in life,
make sure a few of them are dirt. John Muir

Finding the right footwear can take a long time, and there’s a lot to consider. But taking the time to understand key features can make it easier to get a good fit. Below are some core features to consider.

Comfort What makes for comfortable bushwalking shoes

In general, shoes are made of an upper, insole, midsole and outsole. Some have an ankle collar, and roll bars or gel pads for extra comfort, while others also have metal eyelets or hooks to assist with lacing.

Here are a few key things to look at to make sure the shoe provides the most stability and cushioning.

  • Comfortable upper
    Made of leather, mesh or synthetic material. Holds foot in place. Mesh allows for breathing and comfort.
  • Achilles notch
    Takes pressure off the Achilles tendon to improve comfort. Includes ankle collar, which wraps around ankle to provide cushioned support the foot directly and aid shock absorption.
  • Comfortable insole
    The insole supports and cushions the arch. Insoles can be replaced with different or new insoles. Useful when trying to dry shoes out after a day of walking or to increase cushioning.

Materials Key materials used in bushwalking shoes, their price and durability

The type of materials used to make a shoe or boot determine the weight of the footwear. The lighter the footwear, the less energy it takes per step. Unfortunately, lightweight materials tend to wear out quickly. So there’s a trade-off between more durable and heavier materials that last longer and lighter materials with a shorter life.

  • Upper fabrics
    The upper part of shoes are typically made from leather, mesh or synthetic material. When well looked after, leather is the most durable, but the heaviest and most expensive. Synthetic materials are also strong, and lighter, but nowhere not as breathable as mesh fabric, which is the lightest, but least durable upper shoe option.
  • Sole
    Most footwear has rubber soles with various types of grip. Sometimes additives such as carbon are used to increase the hardness of the sole, such as in mountaineering boots. In general, the harder and sturdier the sole, the more expensive the boot is, but the longer it will last.
  • Laces
    Modern laces are made from synthetic fibres, such as nylon, textured polyester, spun polyester and polypropylene. These are inexpensive and lightweight, but tend to be more slippery and hence more likely to come undone than traditional materials such as hemp, jute and cotton.

There are four types of fasteners.

  • Punched eyelets
    Holes that are punched directly into the material and reinforced with metal grommets. Effective and inexpensive, but may tend to rip out.
  • Webbing
    As with punched eyelets, also tend to wear out quickly.
  • D-rings
    Durable metal loops that allow laces to be easily done up but can irritate some users due to the increased pressure on the foot at these locations.
  • Hooks
    Open metal hooks, often in the top 3 or 4 fastener locations. Effective for tightening boots and rare in other shoe types.

Waterproof-ness How waterproof can hiking boots really be?

Waterproof boots are only waterproof until the walker steps in a creek, river, or puddle higher than the height of the boot. In these cases the boot fills with water, becoming heavy and uncomfortable. Hence, the boot may need emptying before continuing.

Except gum boots, most footwear is not waterproof. Precipitation and water on the ground will eventually lead to water inside the footwear.

Footwear that allows water to easily enter and leave is advantageous when crossing rivers. However, in cold and wet environments such as alpine regions, such footwear fails to keep feet warm. In these conditions, more substantial boots are preferable to running shoes.

Leather is naturally water-resistant. If kept in good condition and treated well to avoid cracks and drying out, leather can be effective for a long time. A wax maximises waterproofness. Treatments for Nubuck and suede are available, although different re-proofing products must be used. Fabric boots can be made more water-resistant by regularly applying the correct product, although due to mud and dirt getting into the material they tend to degrade faster than leather boots.
Heavier leather or fabric boots last longer than non-waterproof sandshoes, Volleys or Vibram shoes. These are ideal for creek walks where it’s likely the track will weave back and forth across the river, and it’s impossible to keep feet completely dry.

Ankle and arch support Do some shoes promote ankle and arch support better than others?

Ankle Support

Compared to high-ankle footwear users, low-ankle footwear users not only have no difference in ankle injury, but also are generally able to select footwear that’s lighter, more comfortable and less expensive. Evidence suggests that comfort is the key and doing ankle strengthening/stretching exercises are a more sustainable way of ensuring fewer ankle injuries rather than high-ankle support shoes alone.

Ankle Protection

Another argument that people give for high-ankle footwear is that they provide extra protection against snake bites. However, snakes are capable of attacking much higher than ankle height, and snake handlers don’t rely on their boots only. Instead, they use snake gaiters that are specially tested to be effective against snake bite, something that most shoe companies would not test. That said, footwear that’s higher at the ankles provides a good overlap for gaiters and another layer that snake needs to penetrate. Bushwalking gaiters are not snake-proof. Instead, they are snake-resistant, and not even that for bigger more aggressive species. Heavier fabric and knee-length will give the most protection. While it’s rare to be bitten by a snake, always be careful and give snakes room to escape.


Proprioception is the unconscious perception of movement and location of ankle joints. Accurate proprioception can be lost after sprain injuries. Taping or bracing the joint has been suggested as a mechanism to enable a walker to detect movement through other feedback nerves further up the leg. More than 30 studies have tested this, and an overall synthesis of this literature suggests that ankle taping or bracing does not alter proprioception[note]Raymond, Jacqueline, et al. “The effect of ankle taping or bracing on proprioception in functional ankle instability: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 15.5 (2012): 386-392.[/note]. There is, however, some evidence to suggest that ankle taping or bracing reduces the risk of re-spraining the ankle[note]Verhagen, Evert ALM, Willem van Mechelen, and Wieke de Vente. “The effect of preventive measures on the incidence of ankle sprains.” Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 10.4 (2000): 291-296[/note], but Raymond, Jacqueline, et al. 2012 suggest that this is from restricting joint motion and mechanical instability, and improving confidence during physical activities. Thus, there is currently no clear scientific evidence to support the need for high ankle support in people without previous sprain injuries.

Arch support

The alignment of foot muscles, tendons, bones and ligaments form lengthwise and side-to-side arches. These arches help distribute body weight evenly across the feet when walking across uneven surfaces. Some feet require more arch support than others, based on the shape of the foot and how well it can support the weight of the body.

It’s possible to identify high and low arches using a simple test. Dip your feet in water and rest them on cardboard. If the whole foot is visible, then the foot is low arched. If only the front and back are visible, the foot is high arched.

Here’s what footwear to look for depending on arch type:

  • High-arches
    Feet may not absorb shock well. Select extra cushioning to compensate for lower natural shock absorption.
  • Neutral-arches
    Feet are neither overly or underly arched. Select firm midsoles.
  • Low-arches
    Commonly referred to as ‘flat feet’. Feet may have additional joint or muscle stress. Select footwear that best stabilises the foot.

People use foot orthotics (also known as ortheses) to correct and support the foot, and have their footwear fitted with the correct insoles. If this is a concern, see a professional before selecting footwear and insoles.

Grip What makes some types of footwear grip better than others

Footwear grip depends on the tread and materials. Rubber is used on most walking footwear as it gives good grip and is easy to mould. Some specialist footwear such as mountaineering boots has additives like carbon to increase the hardness of the sole.

Lugs are the traction-giving bumps on the sole of the footwear, and how they are arranged can change the effectiveness of the grip. Deeper thick lugs improve grip, and wider spaced lugs shed mud easily and gives good traction. Good heel grip is necessary to reduce the chance of sliding on steep sections. Open grooves at the edge of the sole allow for self-cleaning grooves that work out mud and dirt while walking.

Crampons are metal spikes attached to boots giving grip on ice. They’re most commonly used by ice climbers, but also by walkers crossing snowfields or glaciers. Ice climbing crampons are rigid and big, usually 12 spikes. Crampons used for less serious conditions are often smaller, usually four spikes, and can sustain some flexing. Snowshoes are an alternative footwear for crossing snow and work by distributing the weight of the user across a larger area and hence prevent the person from sinking into the snow.

Ethics The ethics behind footwear production

It’s easy to consider bushwalking as a low-impact pastime, especially when following Leave No Trace principles, but in an increasingly global economy, it’s common for bushwalking gear to be produced in other countries. Often gear travels half-way around the world before it is sold. Hence, the environmental and social impacts of where and how gear is produced must be included when calculating the true implications of a pastime such as bushwalking.

In the last 20 years, more and more major footwear companies have been accused of exploiting workers in third world countries. Some companies exploit workers in developing countries with unfair pay and working conditions. Companies have also been accused of using materials that are damaging to human health and the environment.

The Ethical Company Organisation evaluated the performance of top players in footwear production on human rights, environmental and animal rights. They found that Po-Zu, Cheatah and Birkenstock performed the best, whereas Reebok, Shelleys, Umbro were the least ethical shoe making companies.

Although campaigning has forced major companies to re-evaluate working conditions, there is still much room for improvement. Take a moment to consider a company’s ethics before buying footwear, or indeed any other product, from them.